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A Leap Forward
by Killer336
on 02/29/24

Yo, yo, yo!

It’s a special day. A day we only see every 4 years. So, I hope you’re doing something memorable today. Truth is, everything our team is doing is memorable for me in some way, shape or form. Our focus has been on building out the game in ways that our next big release won’t have. That’s been a trend with a lot of these updates. You see, after building out many parts of the postgame, we had better context to understand what worked and what didn’t work in our design. So we said, “the player needs more“ More to meet the challenges, more to play with.

Flash Transform

So how about I show you a bit of what I mean? Welcome back, Flash Me.M.E.N.T.O. This form is certainly a memorable one: not only sporting the strongest buster in the game, but also comes with a high level of play difficulty. You’ll need Elec chips to power up your buster, and defenses to cover for your lower HP. And somehow budget in HP and buster upgrades. It’ll take a real mind to build your folder/Navicust, having to balance multiple needs simultaneously.

Flash vs Pirateman

In building out the endgame, we gave the base MegaMan sprite sheet a lot of unique animations, which meant the mementos had to get even more. There’s been a big push to make you really feel like the bosses, and work with the Chip Library in clever ways.

Become Flash Memento. Tell people who rely on puny Invisibles to stuff it. Get that weak stuff outta here! You ain’t hiding!

This will translate into Demo 5.1. Our boy Quick’s got a few new things to play with, which you’ll be able to use. It fits, since just about everything the player can do has gotten better in some way.

Would you like to see those changes next? Or maybe a different Me.M.E.N.T.O.? Let me know below at our social media links:





As always, thank you for your interest. Thank you for your love. And thank you for your support.